Atlanta SEO Consultant – How Voice Search Optimization Works in 2021

How Voice Search Optimization Works in 2021

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Asking questions to your phone like ‘what day is today,’ or ‘where’s the nearest coffee shop,’ once seemed like a futuristic concept only seen in Science-Fiction films. Today, there is a real concept, voice search, which allows you to talk to your phones and getting replies to specific questions. You can see people talking to their mobile phones, watches, smart speakers, remote controls, and others. According to an Atlanta SEO consultant, there is a considerable amount of web traffic, and online purchases come from searches initiated by a voice command. A recent research indicates more than 25% of the online population is using voice searches on mobile devices. So, it’s high time to add voice search optimization to your SEO strategy to take advantage of this huge potential audience.

How Voice Search is Different from Browser Search? – Atlanta SEO Consultant

Unlike a browser search, voice searches simply transcribe a voice command into the search box and provide a list of results. Here users can ask normal questions instead of using keywords. Modern search engines are capable enough to understand what users are searching for and display results from trustworthy web pages. There are roughly 1 billion voice searches every month, and most of the traffic comes from smartphones, smart speakers, digital home assistants, smart TVs, tablets, and other smart appliances.

The Popularity of Voice Search – Atlanta SEO Consultant

Have you ever thought about why voice search is popular? Well, according to recent research, more than 70% of people have used voice search at least once. Why? Because it’s convenient. Voice search allows the users to make hands-free phone calls and internet searches. In addition to this, with voice search, you can multi-task. Our Atlanta SEO consultant reports that many people use voice search because they find it quicker and easier. With the wide increase in the usage of smartphones, the popularity of voice search is rising. So, what does this mean for businesses? Well, it’s time to optimize their websites for mobile and voice search.

Voice Search – The Future of Site Search

In recent days, voice search has changed our attitude and approach towards the search engine. Instead of typing in keywords, you can ask your device or browser via voice queries. It’s comfortable, easy, and convenient options that come in handy when your hands are full of other things.

Who Should Focus on Voice Search? – Atlanta SEO Consultant

Are you wondering who should optimize for voice search? A business owner whose users are using a mobile device or voice search assistance must start optimizing for voice search. With more users shifting to voice search, business owners have started optimizing their websites for voice and mobile searches. Hence, voice search is getting accurate more than ever. Here our Atlanta SEO Consultant has discussed a few common cases that should consider voice search optimization.


Did you know more than 40% of e-commerce customers are using their mobile devices to shop online? This is huge for any e-commerce business owner. So, if you have an e-commerce platform, you must consider optimizing it for voice search. After all, e-commerce platforms are easy to optimize because it has a huge amount of structural data such as price, sizes, and more.

Your Users are Busy

If your target audience is busy or has their hands full, then you must consider voice search optimization. Our Atlanta SEO consultant explains this with a small example. Consider your user is so much into gardening. If you are offering gardening tips on your website, your user might use voice search to look for some tips when his hands are dirty. Obviously, it saves him a lot of time and effort. He doesn’t have to get up, clean his hands, check the tips, and again get his hand dirty.

Physically Challenged

If any of your users are visually impaired, disabled, or ill, voice search provides them an easy path to navigate without using the keyboard.

Tips to Optimize Your Website for Voice Search – Atlanta SEO Consultant

Add an FAQ Section – Atlanta SEO Consultant

Most of the search queries for voice search are in question format. Users ask free-form, long-winded queries instead of typing into Google. If you find your customers asking answers for the same questions repeatedly, add an FAQ section. So, the next time your customers are searching for the same query, your website has a better chance of ranking in the search results. Fortunately, Google will recognize the relevant topic and show more for voice search queries, even if the question doesn’t get a 100% match. All you have to do is to select a handful of questions, answer them, and add them to your website. After placing the right schema markup, Google may start pulling answers from your website and display them on the search.

Get Schema Markup Implemented by Your Atlanta SEO Consultant

Implementing schema markup is one of the crucial elements of voice search optimization. Generally, the schema is a code that you place on your website to serve the relevant information to your user. So, adding schema markup helps search engines to crawl your website effectively and improves your ranking. You must add short yet clear information when it comes to voice search to serve your users better.

Go Local – Atlanta SEO Consultant

Did you know most of the voice searches include the phrase ‘near me?’ So, it’s crucial for you to optimize your website for the right location. When you optimize for location, your website will appear on the results when a user is looking for what you offer. So, include your city, neighborhood, address, and opening hours to optimize for local SEO. Most importantly, add location in the keywords.

Go Minimal

According to our Atlanta SEO consultant, keeping your website simple is the key to get more traffic from voice search. Moreover, adding anything too complicated can slow down your website. So, keep it simple and sweet. When you keep your website minimal, it’d be easier for the search engine to crawl and show your website in search results.

Focus on Your Audience

Lastly, consider all your audience to make voice search optimization work. Your website must have a good user interface to improve the user experience. Moreover, the design of your website must be accessible to people with disabilities and difficulties. So, add alt text for images and videos to improve voice search.

Final Thoughts

With the rise of voice assistants in today’s market, voice search is becoming more and more relevant. It’s the future of SEO! So, it’s essential to optimize your website for both regular searches and voice searches. Having a voice search strategy for your internet marketing makes your content close to human language. What are you waiting for? It’s the right time to make the shift and gain an edge over your competition. After all, Google’s dream of becoming the Star Trek computer is not a dream anymore.

Looking for more information on voice search optimization? Get in touch with the professionals at Strategic Marketing Consultants, the leading Atlanta SEO Consultant, now. We will help you learn the ins and outs of voice optimization and how it helps you in improving your website traffic and ranking. Contact us now!

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